Create a Hygge Feel Bedroom - All You Need To Know


January 9, 2024

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We are all looking for ways to relax and decompress at the end of the day. When you get home and fall on your bed, the last thing you want is to feel depressed and discontent. Your bedroom should feel like a safe haven and the best way to do that is to give it the hygge feel. 

The term hygge (pronounced: hoo-ga) describes the feeling of contentment and well-being, which is what this style is all about rather than a specific design style. It is mainly achieved by using your surroundings and activities to help you feel comfortable, at ease and relaxed. In this article, we’ll discuss all you need to know about it and how to create a hygge feel bedroom.

What Is a Hygge Feel?

The hygge feel is about you, what makes you feel relaxed and cozy. So when looking for your hygge feel, keep in mind the things that make you feel peaceful and relaxed. The main focus of your hygge vibe is bringing contentment into your life and making your surroundings soothing and relaxing. We all find textures, scents and even activities soothing. By focusing on what makes you feel comforted, relaxed and content, you will be able to recreate that in your living space, home, and daily routine.

A hygge feel is a new name for an old trend; it means creating a living space and a daily routine that allows you to relax, decompress and feel at peace. However, a hygge feel is a little more than a paint coat over the walls, redecorating, and a few throw pillows. It is an atmosphere you create, turning your house into a home and a bedroom into a haven of comfort and relaxation.

How to Create A Hygge Feel Bedroom

The main focal point of the hygge feel or vibe is the individual looking to create it. That means there is no right or wrong when designing the perfect hygge space; it's all about what makes you feel at home, happy and calm. 

The general guidelines are some ideas to help you create the hygge vibe in your bedroom and your daily routine; pick and choose what best suits you.

Decorate for Comfort and Relaxation

When creating your hygge feel bedroom, remember that certain types of furniture and colours can help create the feel you are looking for. Neutral, beige, winter whites and soft colours help bring that relaxing vibe into your room. 

Wooden furniture and, if possible, wooden flooring will bring that feeling into the room. It is important, though, not to overdo the wooden touches as it will make the room too dark; touches of wood throughout the room will bring warmth and coziness to the room. A rustic feel can create a great hygge space. 

Adding a comfortable chair in a reading corner is a nice addition to your hygge bedroom. If space allows, you can create a whole corner dedicated to hygge activities that will allow you to relax and decompress.

Warm, cozy blankets to cuddle under during the winter are the epitome of the hygge vibe. The soft materials and pastel colours of the blankets or quilts will help you relax and get your hygge down. Several throw blankets along the foot of your bed can add extra layers of comfort. Choose blankets made of warm, thick materials to enhance the hygge atmosphere, but make sure they are soft, too.

Area rugs will also add comfort and warmth to your bedroom. Thick, warm rugs help reduce the coldness of the floors under your feet and add a homey feel compared to traditional carpeting. They are also a chance to showcase your personality and add a little charm to the room. 

Declutter a Room, Clear your Mind

Giving your room a quick tidying up is a great step to creating the perfect hygge vibe. A tidy room gives your brain the chance to relax and unwind from what may have been a chaotic and stressful day. It has been scientifically proven that our brain is always somewhat connected to our surroundings, and thus your mind will not be able to completely relax when surrounded by clutter. 

Decluttering does not mean giving your room a full makeover or a thorough cleaning; simply putting away the clothes that magically accumulate on the chair in the corner, tidying up any toys that may be sprawled around the floor and making the bed will do.

You can achieve this easily if your room is not overcrowded with knick-knacks, ornaments and other little decorative items. Keep decorations to the minimum; bedside lamps in neutral colours and maybe some wooden frames can be enough to decorate surfaces around the room. To give it a personal feel alongside the hygge vibe, you can add quilts, throw blankets and throw pillows.

Disconnect to Decompress

Because we live in the digital era, our daily lives have become interlinked with the excessive use of everything digital. This is especially true regarding the invasion of electronics in our free time. Whenever we have some free time to relax and decompress, we turn to our devices; for some, it's posting and watching videos or stories on social media, while others prefer to spend their free time playing video games. To create a hygge atmosphere, it is essential that we opt for some relaxing music rather than the TV or social media. 

Despite all its advantages, the digital age has come with a major disadvantage; availability. This means we have become available for work or social calls at all hours. These calls can interrupt the hygge feel of your evening. So, invite friends over, have a relaxing evening and enjoy each other's company rather than binge-watch a TV series or spend hours on your phone. 

You can find some hygge activities to do in your bedroom that will help you relax and get the best out of your bedroom's newfound ambience. You can try activities like: Knitting, Crocheting, Reading, Journaling, Sketching, Drawing, Painting, Coloring Books or Puzzles. 

Turn Down the Lights, Lighten the Mood

Hygge lighting can alter the ambience of a room, and bright lights will reduce the comfort and warmth of your bedroom. A great option would be to install dimmer switches for your overhead lighting; this way, you can control the amount of lighting. Opt for candles or warm hue lamps instead of overhead lights. 

The best way to create a hygge ambience is to light up a fireplace and sit next to the fire; however, even without a fireplace, string lights or fairy lights will create that cozy warm lighting atmosphere that will allow you to unwind and relax. 

Another option that creates an amazing feeling is candlelight. Candles are especially useful for creating hygge in a room thanks to the visual sense of warmth they create. Furthermore, scented candles will activate your sense of smell. Get candle fragrances that will elevate your mood at a simple sniff. Find what best suits you and gives you that homey, relaxed feeling; there is no right or wrong, just what you enjoy the most.

Get Comfy, Relax your Body and Mind

Wearing comfortable clothes is a major aspect of creating a hygge feel. It doesn't have to be pyjamas, although who doesn't love lounging around in their pj's? Changing out of formal work clothes or restricting outdoor wear into comfortable clothing always helps to improve your mood. Throw on some comfy loungewear or a soft cotton tracksuit, and settle down for a nice relaxing evening. You are more likely to have a relaxing, stress-free, hygge evening when you are comfortable.

Soft organic materials can do wonders when it comes to your clothes. Again, as with everything hygge, it is important to choose what makes you feel comfortable, whether it's a pair of flannel pyjamas, a tracksuit, or a comfy robe; it's how you feel that matters the most.


Creating a hygge feel bedroom has many benefits regarding the quality of our sleep and general well-being. It will give your room a new, cozy feel that will increase relaxation and comfort.

Remember, the intention behind the hygge vibe is to help you relax, be content and stay happy. One of the main advantages to creating a hygge feel is that it is not necessary to make big changes; opting for neutral colours, soft thick blankets, and rugs is enough to do the trick. 

Adding string lights and candles will immediately change the ambience of your room compared to the brightness of overhead lights. Small changes to the room's overall feel can go a long way in creating a relaxing haven that beacons you to come home, relax and decompress. A relaxing evening will almost certainly lead to a goodnight’s sleep which will, in turn, lead to overall well-being.