How To Relieve Sleep Apnea
January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024
Looking for information on relieving sleep apnea? Then this article is perfect for you. Sleep apnea is a condition that can be overcome or reduced by learning many things about it. In this article, you will learn about;
You can relieve sleep apnea by making lifestyle changes. In addition to improving your fitness and stretching muscles, practising yoga can help. You can also reduce alcohol consumption. Some other options include using oral devices to help you breathe better at night.
To get started, if you don't know what sleep apnea is, it's a sleep disorder. Its severity and symptoms vary, and it is believed to be more common in men.
Generally, there are two types of sleep apnea that a person can have- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). With OSA, there is an obstruction in the throat, and you start to snore. In the latter case, the brain is not receiving the correct signals to control the breathing muscles. As a result, breathing stops, disrupting sleep. OSA is the most common type of sleep apnea, and many people are unaware they suffer from it since even people who do not snore can have the condition.
As you now know what sleep apnea is, it's time to focus on its symptoms. It is important to note that identifying the symptoms is not easy because they occur mainly during sleep. Nevertheless, here are some common symptoms to watch out for.
If any of your friends or family members exhibit these symptoms, they have sleep apnea.
As mentioned previously, many people are unaware they have sleep apnea. If you want to know if you have, your friends or family are the best places to ask. By monitoring your sleep and checking for the symptoms, they can detect sleep apnea. The funny thing is, you will be surprised at some of the results if you have sleep apnea!
Sleep apnea is treatable and, in many cases, requires simple lifestyle changes like quitting alcohol, smoking, losing weight, and so on. But how do you cure sleep apnea for severe cases? It needs a bit more than lifestyle changes. The doctor can either go for oral appliances, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), or surgery.
If you have obstructive sleep apnea, there are four ways that the doctor can treat you. Depending on the severity, sleep apnea is treated through therapies, lifestyle changes, oral devices, or surgery. Surgery is generally for those without severe cases and when all the other treatments fail. But in most cases, the different therapies help, and you don't have to go for surgery.
If the thought ‘I think I have sleep apnea, what do I do’ ever crosses your mind, always take the first step of consulting a doctor. The best treatment for sleep apnea is subjective because the degree of severity varies from one another. So while one treatment can work for a person, it does not guarantee for another. But the good news is, there are many options, including natural remedies to try.
There's good news for those who want to try out natural remedies to tackle sleep apnea. There are several things you can try to maximise your lifestyle changes. Generally, doctors advise lifestyle changes first, so if you want to make the best of it, here is what you can do at home.
If you are overweight, try and cut your weight by exercising or going on a diet plan. It also helps that you quit alcohol and smoking. If you don't want to go for heavy exercise routines, Yoga is fantastic. You can also try humidifiers and oral appliances while you sleep so that it hydrates your throat and keeps your jaw in position for breathing correctly.
While CPAP is an excellent way to treat sleep apnea, not everyone likes the feeling of using equipment during sleep because it's uncomfortable. So if you want to try some alternatives without using CPAP, here's what you can do.
The most natural way to treat sleep apnea at home without using CPAP is through lifestyle changes. It can range from sleeping positions, maintaining weight, practising Yoga, and so on. You don't need medication for natural treatments, but a healthy diet, adequate exercise, and doing away with unhealthy habits can go a long way to improve and even cure sleep apnea. But, of course, the last thing you would want is surgery, so it's best to concentrate on natural remedies to cure sleep apnea.
Sleeping position is vital for people with sleep apnea because a minor tweak can reduce the problem. While it can vary, studies have shown that sleeping on your back can worsen sleep apnea, so try sleeping on your sides. But if you want more advice, consulting a doctor is the best option.
As discussed earlier, sleep apnea is treatable and, in many cases, does not require surgery. You can always go for CPAP and other remedies like oral appliances, humidifiers, changing your lifestyle patterns, and so on.
Using natural remedies for sleep apnea is possible, but it will only be effective if you dedicate yourself to them. If you practice Yoga but drink alcohol, it won't help you much. Additionally, you can use other equipment such as humidifiers and dental appliances in conjunction with lifestyle changes.
Therefore, you should have a disciplined approach towards the use of natural remedies for sleep apnea.